Eliminating "Buy-Low, Donate-High" Charitable Giving Arrangements
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Subsection 248(35) was introduced as an amendment to the Canadian Income Tax Act with the intention of eliminating the incentive for taxpayer's to engage in "buy-low", "donate-high" arrangements. Essentially, these arrangements allow an individual to purchase property, such as pharmaceuticals or art at wholesale prices and almost immediately donate them to a registered charity at substantially inflated prices. The individual then files a claim for a charitable donation tax credit based on the inflated price. The new provision provides that the value of this property will be deemed to be the acquisition cost where a donation is a part of such a gifting arrangement. It will also apply where the donation is not part of a gifting arrangement if the property is donated within three years after acquisition, or if the individual intended to make a gift at the time of acquisition and does so within ten years of acquisition.
Subsection 248(35) is effective as of 6:00PM (EST) December 5, 2003. There a severe penalties for non-compliance with the new provisions, so consult a legal professional or your financial advisor for more information about how this may affect you specifically. You may also review the Gifts and Income Tax Guide for a discussion about how gifts of capital property are treated or read the Interpretation Bulletin dealing with the same issue. For a general search on Charities, visit the CRA website link under the Resources Heading.
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