"Imagination at Work". When Tax Planning Violates No Law?
Should the Obama Administration Approve a Proposal to Reduce Taxes on Repatriation?

Background and Selected Issues Related to the U.S. International Tax System and Systems that Exempt Foreign Business Income

The House Ways and Means Committee has scheduled a public hearing for May 24, 2011 on the rules in certain foreign jurisdictions for taxing foreign income.

The attached document, prepared by the staff of the Joint Committee on Taxation, describes the U.S. international tax rules applicable to foreign income of resident taxpayers, provides a general overview of a territorial system of taxation, including a brief discussion of basic design considerations, and summarizes the rules of nine selected countries for the taxation of foreign income.

Click on the following link to download the document:

Download International_tax_system



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Thank you for your inquiry. I will provide an update shortly.

Certified Tax Coach

Could you update the public hearing result here?
Or perhaps share the link to follow up this article.

Thanks for download link, it works!

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